crip mac age
crip mac age

Crip Macintosh, a conspicuous rapper and business person from the US, has had a tremendous effect in media outlets with his well known tracks and enterprising endeavors. Known for his particular style and expressive ability, Crip Macintosh has constructed areas of strength for a base and made significant monetary progress. This nitty gritty investigation digs into different parts of Crip Macintosh’s life, profession, and individual excursion.

Crip Mac Age

Starting around 2024, Crip Macintosh is 31 years of age. He was brought into the world on February 20, 1993, in Los Angeles, California, US. Experiencing childhood in the energetic social scene of LA, he fostered a profound association with music and the different impacts around him. His birthdate places him solidly inside the millennial age, when innovation and media were quickly advancing, forming his initial encounters and at last affecting his imaginative way. Turning 31 imprints a critical achievement for Crip Macintosh, reflecting the two his self-improvement and his developing vocation in the music business. Transitioning in a city known for its rich melodic history, he draws motivation from his underlying foundations while exploring the intricacies of present day distinction and imagination. As he keeps on developing as a craftsman, his age fills in as a demonstration of his excursion hitherto, featuring his accomplishments and the promising direction of his future undertakings.

Early Life and Training

Crip Macintosh, whose genuine name is Trevor Hurd, was brought into the world on February 20, 1993, in Los Angeles, California. Experiencing childhood in LA, he was presented to the lively social and melodic impacts of the city. His mom, Precious stone Hurd, assumed a critical part in his childhood, while insights concerning his dad stay hazy. There are claims from Stacy Brookshire, purportedly the top of the Brookshire mafia, stating to be Crip Macintosh’s dad, yet these cases need substantial proof.

Instructive Excursion

Trevor’s instructive way was set apart by difficulties and changes. He started his tutoring at Newman Grade School in Chino Slopes, California. Afterward, he went to a tactical all inclusive school yet confronted removal because of conduct issues. Unfazed, he proceeded with his schooling at Elif Elsik Secondary School and ultimately finished his secondary school training at Fontana Secondary School. These encounters added to his self-awareness and strength, molding the individual he would turn into.

Early Melodic Excursion

Looking for shelter from the difficulties of his area, which was tormented by drug use and viciousness, Trevor went to music. He started making melodies at 19 years old, continuously changing into recording his tracks. His music turned into a stage to enlighten the cruel real factors of group life and its ramifications.

Ascend to Distinction

In 2021, Crip Macintosh delivered a few prominent melodies, including “Channels,” “Get Your Doe,” “No Fair Ones,” and “Opp Troll.” These tracks exhibited his exceptional style and expressive ability, acquiring him consideration inside the business. The next year, he sent off his introduction studio collection, “They Five Me,” highlighting coordinated efforts with specialists like Kokane. This delivery further set his presence in the rap scene.

Proceeded with Progress

In 2023, Crip Macintosh accomplished boundless acknowledgment with the arrival of a hit single that resounded profoundly with audience members and pundits the same. His music engages as well as teaches, offering audience members a brief look into the real factors frequently eclipsed by glamorized depictions of road life. His genuineness and individual conviction have earned acclaim for their trustworthiness and social importance.

Eminent Joint efforts

Coordinated effort has been a critical part of Crip Macintosh’s excursion. He has worked close by conspicuous figures in the music business like DJ Flip, GoBillP, Lo Leezy, and Lil G 909. These coordinated efforts have enhanced his melodic collection and added to his developing prevalence and impact inside the amusement scene.

Rodent Food Clothing

Past his melodic undertakings, Crip Macintosh has wandered into business. In 2021, he sent off his dress line, Rodent Food Attire. The brand represents considerable authority in pullovers, hoodies, gender neutral Shirts, and home embellishments, mirroring his own style and resounding with his fan base.

Growing His Impact

Crip Macintosh’s pioneering soul has empowered him to exploit open doors inside the business, further upgrading his riches and notoriety. His undertakings, joined with his music vocation, have laid out him as a complex ability in the diversion world.

Relationship Status

Starting around 2024, Crip Macintosh is presently single. Already, he was sincerely engaged with Lupe Gotti, who additionally filled in as his everyday director. Their relationship was huge, and they were locked in at a certain point. In any case, they chose to head out in different directions in mid-2022, canceling their commitment. This individual part features the intricacies of keeping up with connections in the midst of the requests of his profession.

Legitimate Difficulties

Crip Macintosh has confronted legitimate difficulties that have affected his own and proficient life. He is at present under pretrial confinement, having to deal with government penalties, including ownership of an unregistered gun and being a functioning individual from a group. Whenever indicted, these charges could prompt a critical jail sentence. In spite of these difficulties, he keeps on keeping up with his presence in the music business and via virtual entertainment.

Tattoos and Their Importance

Crip Macintosh is remarkable for the tattoos that enhance his body, each stamping critical minutes and individual accolades. One of the most noticeable tattoos is situated on his temple, bearing the engraving “Hoovah Killa.” This tattoo fills in as a powerful remembrance to his companion who unfortunately lost his life to group savagery. These tattoos are noticeable images of his excursion, entwining his encounters and companionships.

Drawing in with Fans

Crip Macintosh has cut out a critical presence as a web-based entertainment force to be reckoned with, drawing in fans across different stages like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. On TikTok, he shares looks at his day to day existence and music refreshes, gathering a committed following of north of 233,000 individuals. His Instagram account flaunts a significant crowd too, with 134,000 supporters.

YouTube Channel

His YouTube channel, where he draws in with north of 124,000 endorsers, fills in as one more stage for sharing his music and interfacing with a more extensive crowd. Also, on Twitter, he connects with in excess of 6,000 devotees, utilizing the stage to participate in discussions and offer bits of knowledge into his creative excursion.

Net Worth and Monetary Achievement

Crip Macintosh’s total assets is assessed to be between $1 million and $2 million. Different sources, including CelebWorthBio, Af Magazine, and Eastrohelp, report his total assets to be around $1 million, while Networthepic recommends it very well may be basically as high as $2 million. His abundance fundamentally originates from his double jobs as a rapper and business visionary.

Income Streams

His music vocation has collected significant income through collection deals, streaming, and exhibitions. Furthermore, his enterprising endeavors, for example, his dress line Rodent Food Clothing, have added to his monetary development. These joined endeavors in the diversion and business areas have laid out him as a monetarily effective figure.

Height and Weight

Crip Macintosh remains at around 6 feet tall, which is roughly 183 centimeters, and weighs around 185 pounds, identical to 83 kilograms. His actual traits, joined with his tattoos, add to his unmistakable appearance.

Individual Style

Past his actual properties, Crip Macintosh is remarkable for his tattoos that convey profound close to home reverberation. Each tattoo recounts a story or respects a memory near his heart, mirroring his own style and self-articulation.

Discography Features

Crip Macintosh’s music features his extraordinary style and expressive profundity. A portion of his outstanding tunes include:

  • “HammerTime” (2021)
  • “Get Your Doe” (2021)
  • “Why You Behaving Like A Citch” (2022)
  • “Remain Mind It” (2022)
  • “Succaz” (2022)
  • “I Want to” (2023)
  • “Clever Nickel” (2023)
  • “That’s it” (2023)
  • “Get Craccin'” (2023)
  • “Someone I Used To Trick” (2024)

These tracks feature his advancing sound and story profundity, reverberating with crowds and pundits the same.

Proceeding with His Excursion

As Crip Macintosh keeps on exploring the intricacies of distinction and creative articulation, his process highlights the groundbreaking force of music to motivate change and encourage understanding. With each delivery, he builds up his devotion to creating significant stories that reverberate past the beats, hardening his place as a powerful power in contemporary rap music.

Conquering Difficulties

Notwithstanding the legitimate difficulties and individual mishaps he has confronted, Crip Macintosh stays focused on his art. His commitment and difficult work have been instrumental in his rising total assets and impact inside the music business. His capacity to remain consistent with his art and reliably convey effective music guarantees that his impact stays persevering and critical.


Crip Macintosh, conceived Trevor Hurd, is a complex craftsman and business person from Los Angeles, California, who has had a huge effect in media outlets through his music and undertakings. Known for his strong tracks that address the intricacies of posse life, Crip Macintosh has constructed areas of strength for a base and made significant monetary progress. In spite of confronting legitimate difficulties and individual mishaps, his commitment to his specialty and enterprising soul keeps on driving his prosperity. Through his online entertainment presence and his dress line, Rodent Food Clothing, Crip Macintosh stays a powerful figure, mixing his imaginative gifts with a sharp business intuition. As he keeps on advancing as a craftsman and business person, his process fills in as a motivation to many, featuring the force of strength and imagination.

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By Sawyer

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